Growing Entrepreneurs in Agricultural Education
This module is geared toward agricultural educators interested in starting an entrepreneurship education program to complement an agricultural curriculum. The goal of the module is to orient educators to current trends in entrepreneurship education and equip them with resources for getting started in planning an entrepreneurship education program. It includes knowledge checks and a certificate of completion.

Women’s Jobs in Agricultural Value Chains
This module is geared toward girls at the secondary level. The module defines “agricultural value chain” and demonstrates the kinds of jobs that are available along the value chain. It encourages girls to broaden their views of agricultural careers. The module has knowledge checks, a homework assignment, a short quiz, and a certificate of completion. It is a nice companion to the Teaching Gender to Secondary and Tertiary Students modules below.

Teaching Gender to Secondary and Tertiary Students
This is a series of five modules on teaching gender to secondary and tertiary students. The modules are intended for teachers and facilitators to engage youth in gender-based discussions of agricultural careers. Youth may make career choices based on the gender norms of the adults around them without critical awareness of their internalized gender bias. These modules show teachers how to challenge youth to critically analyze whether they are basing judgement of tasks, skills and responsibilities on sex or gender norms. The goal of the training for youth is to enable them to consider career paths primarily by interest and skill rather than being limited by an internalized or societal gender bias.
Module 1: Introduction

Module 2: “Sex” v. “Gender”

Attachment 1 Module 2 Attachment 5 Module 2
Attachment 2 Module 2 Attachment 6 Module 2
Attachment 3 Module 2 Attachment 7 Module 2
Attachment 4 Module 2 Attachment 8 Module 2
Module 3: Gender and Household Dynamics

Module 4: Gender and Activities Outside the Home

Module 5: Societal Influences on Traditional Gender Roles in Agriculture

Gender in Agriculture, Education and Training
This e-learning module provides insight into the gender issues in formal agricultural education programs. It also presents good practices or strategies for addressing gender issues and encouraging girls in the agricultural sciences.
Below are lesson plans for how to use the above Gender in Agriculture, Education and Training module in a classroom. The lesson plans are aimed at secondary and tertiary students.
Homework Assignments Lesson Plan
Agricultural Technical and Vocational Education and Training
This e-learning module presents topics including ATVET curriculum development, training needs for agricultural value chains, examples of ATVET programming and good practices to support economic growth.