Linking Transformative Teaching with Agricultural and Natural Resources Workforce Development, Nepal April 2015

InnovATE faculty member Tom Hammett from Virginia Tech worked in partnership with team members from Winrock Farmer-to-Farmer program and idE in Nepal and faculty at the Agriculture and Forestry University to improve teaching effectiveness in agriculture and natural resource education, and explore strategies for improving the capacity for sustainable workforce development in Nepal. In April of 2015 InnovATE hosted a workshop in Hetuda, Nepal to focus on:

  • Teaching Pedagogies
  • Project Centered Learning
  • Teaching & Learning Centers
  • Education for Agricultural Commercialization


Day 1

Nepal Teaching Pedagogies

How Do They Prepare to Teach

Linking Transformative Teaching with Sustainable Workforce Development

Commonly Used Methods of Teaching in Nepal

Day 2

Team Based, Project-Centered Learning Workshop

What do Teachers Expect of Their Students? And the Students of Their Teachers?

Day 3

Development of the Center for Teaching and Learning at Principia College

MemCoE Center for Teaching Excellence

Examining Teaching and Learning Centers: CIDER at Virginia Tech

Day 4

Linking Transformative Teaching with Sustainable Workforce Development, Stakeholders Meeting Facilitated

Education for Agricultural Commercialization iDE Nepal Experience, Needs and Observations

Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Freire

Workshop Summary

Summary of Stakeholder Input Gathered at the InnovATE/AFU Agriculture & Natural Resources Stakeholders’ Meeting






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